Join me for Medium Day!

Hi Reader,

The first-ever Medium Day is happening next week! I was so excited to get a slot to talk about a topic I am deeply passionate about. I'm in great company -- over 200 sessions are scheduled!

Think conferences are boring? Lol, same. I loved how Chief of Staff Brittany Jezouit put it in her blog post announcement: "Think of this less like a traditional conference and more like a music festival."

So what's this mysterious topic? Well, if you know me, you know one thing I care very much about: How To Use Medium To Build A Writing Portfolio. Medium should never be your end point. It should always be your vehicle to bigger, better, greater things.

I'm so thrilled to have the chance to talk about that with two of my best writing friends, Sinem Günel and Amardeep Parmar.

Sign up now and join us next Saturday. Here's the full schedule if you want to check out what other amazing chats you could catch. I'm extremely keen on:

  • Tony Stubblebine's keynote. He's the CEO of Medium!
  • Is AI Really The Future?, a panel with Brandeis Marshall, Kenya Oduor, Ph.D., and Dr. C - Data & AI · Diversity · Wellness; moderated by Adrienne Gibbs
  • The Write Stuff: Writing On Medium And The Writing Cooperative Q&A with Justin Cox
  • Making Money On Medium: Facts, Myths & Misconceptions

Here's the link to register for all sessions. Just pick and choose your favorites!

Happy writing,


I help beginners write online.

Want to share your story online but not sure how to start? I'm here to help. I cover the best writing platforms, how to grow your online audience, monetization options, and reviews of popular writing tools.

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